Monday 29 December 2008


time to rewind a bit and write bout our journey from Malaysia all the way to the doorstep of our new crib at Dolphin Rd, Curriehill (Kari jugak nama kawasan rumah..hehehe)...

We took flight MH4 from KLIA at 1045 am, MAS Bussiness Class (hehehe)...great service, Sarah pun tak bosan sbb ade playmate kat sebelah nama Emma, Australian toddler umur 2 tahun, tapi rajin melayan sarah main...mak layan hassan..luckily budak2 nie tak meragam during the whole journey..cumenye, bile flight siang, the whole 14 hours on board siang jer, tak i had some trouble falling asleep...tak tido langsung ler....heheh..layan movies n music yang ade n borak2 ngan mak...tu pun mak tido gak bile boring...sampai Heathrow petang...tukar flight naik British Airways lak tp kena tunggu sampai kol 8.30pm...lepak2 la kat terminal tu sambil makan cokelat...dari time sampai tu gemuruh gak kena lalu security n imigresen diorang yang ketat kemain lagi.....Alhamdulillah semua lepas, cume mcm biase la ... soalan imigresen dia macam2....macam la aku nie tak reti nak jawab (kerek la sikit)...orang putih kat sini cakap pekat, so, aku nie kenala jegil2 kan telinga nak menangkap ayat diorang...dah le ngantuk...hehehe....tak ada ape2 insiden yang tidak menyenangkan, cume next time tak berapa la berminat nak lalu airport yang sama...hehehe.....naik flight yang kedua ok gak, macam2 salad dan desert nadie rasa, sarah n hassan lak, dah dalam jet lag mode...tido aje budak2 tu berdua...nasib la tak melalak ke ape....mak pulak dah kepenatan yang maksimum tp still control.....sian mak...sedangkan nadie pun rase nak tumbang time kuatkan semgant sbb nak jumpe ngan hubby yang dirindui...One thing yang i noticed bout diorang punye flight attendant is, diorang nie tak memilih paras rupa mcm kat sini....pramugara n pramugari diorang ni pelbagai saiz dan rupa..heheheh.....service best gak, cume time berkomunikasi tu tercengang2 kit, sbb ckp pekat...sampai kat Edinburgh kol 11pm....ayang dah tunggu lama time tu, huh....puasnye hati rase bile dah nampak muka....gembira yang tak terhingga...ayang datang jemput ngan member2 student kat situ ...Ebby, Izhar dan Khadzir....nice people...(orang malaysia kat sini bersatu hati..hehehehehe)...sampai kat rumah time midnite.....sempat la menjamu diorang yg nolong tu makan daging masak pedas (daging tu dari Hassan punye Aqiqah masa Aidil Adha hari tuu)...lepas pulak airport security masa bawak dalam hand luggage..then...bermula lah episod jetlag selama 5 hari.....nak suit kan badan ngan masa tempatan....time tengahari sini nadie aktif, time petang jer, kol 5pm sampai kol 11 mlm ngantuk gile....pas tu segar was a wonderful experience ...although theres some minor glitch time nak melayan soalan org imigresen......and it feels good to finally have back my little family together...Alhamdulillah...looking forward to spend my holidays here...oopsss....spend tiem looking after my family here.....hehehhe....


  1. alhamdulillah u guys arrived safely! must've been a heck of a journey for all!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hi..bump into this blog thru ur sis! :) hope u dont mind..anyway, love to read everyone is finally together and coping well - yes, the Scots accent is TERRIBLE! Did you go to Hogmanay St new year party? I went there last 2000 - after hearing all the hype I've got to see it for myself and it was fantastic for me. The fireworks from the castle, etc....but the crowd was too much!! Everyone was drunk so if u dont like crowdy areas you won't find it pleasant. Anyway enough of the blab - pray all of you safe and happy and please send my regards to ur parents. Update often - can't wait for more news..he he
    love- kak aniq
